Research Paper

  • Disease in old people at home, – Dr.V.S. Natarajan, Dr.W.J. Maclenan, Dr. M.R.P.Hall, The Practitioner, August, 1978, Vol.221, Pg.No.168 to 171. Summary: A group of 96 elderly subjects were examined at intervals over a period of 9 months. During this time about one-third developed important new disorders. This finding has important implications when consideration is given to surveillance of the elderly in general practice.
  • Assessment of Nutrient Intake and Associated Factors in an Indian Elderly PopulationDr.V.S.Natarajan et al, Age and Ageing, 1993, Vol.22, Pg.No.103 to 108. Summary: A group of 420 elderly people (163 women and 257 men with a mean age of 65 years) from urban and rural populations in India were selected for the study. The caloric intake of 93.3% was less than the recommended allowance, the mean daily caloric intake being 1191 kcal in men and 928 kcal in women. Except for calcium, all nutrients were deficient in their diet.
  • Illiteracy (53%), lack of knowledge regarding daily allowances of nutrients (95%), poor economic background (46.7%), and breaking down of joint family system (63%) were possible associated factors examined.
  • Ischaemic heart diseases in rural elderly – Incidence and its correlation to nutrition and lipid profile” Dr.V.S. Natarajan et al, The Antiseptic, 1995, Vol.92,No.10, Pg.No.401 to 404.
    Abstract : The incidence of ischaemic heart disease was considerably low in the rural elderly (5.75%). There is an higher incidence of ischaemic heart disease in the rural female (9.4%) as against male (2.02%). The dietary intake of fat was low (17.3 gms/day). HDL is the only lipid factor, which directly correlated with incidence of IHD in this study. The low incidence of IHD in rural elderly may be due to lesser prevalence of risk factors like smoking, stress and strain, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia.
  • High prevalence of nutritional disorders and nutrient deficits in the elderly in a rural community in Tamilnadu, India’ Dr.V.S. Natarajan et al, The Antiseptic, 1995, Vol.92, No.3, Pg.No.105 to 108.
    Abstract : The expanding elderly population with economic pressures disabling diseases and social neglect are prone to develop under nutrition. We have studied 800 elderly (376 male, 424 female) people from rural community, at 10 villages surrounding Melmaruvathur, in Tamil Nadu. Data on diet, social, demographic, anthropometric and clinical details were collected. High prevalence of under nutrition was observed, requiring urgent need for improving overall status.
  • Diseases in old people at home The Practitioner. 1978, 221 168 -171
  • “General Problems of AgeingThe Antiseptic, 1978, Vol: 75, No.4
  • “Some Observations of Patients from Geriatric Outpatient Service(Abstract) the journal of the Association of Physicians of India 1978, 26, 1053 – 1054.
  •  Diabetes mellitus in the ElderlyThe Antiseptic, 1979, Vol: 6, No.1.
  •  Nutritional Survey in our elderly: value of dietary fibre in constipation: common nutritional deficiencies and their prevention in the elderly1979, workshop manual on Regional workshop on planning diet for Health. Home Science Department. Women’s Christian college, Chennai – 6.
  • What is Geriatric medicine – The Antiseptic, 1979, Vol: 76, No.8.
  • The Incidence of Cardiovascular disorders in the elderlyThe antiseptic. 1980, Vol: 77, No.1,
  • Pharmacology of AgeingPost graduate medicine – Continuing Medical Education Programme: Joint annual conference of the Association of physicians of India, 1987 : January. Madurai 113 -117.
  • Geriatric patients- an inpatient survey – Southern Scientist. 1987. Vol: XI:No.1, 61.
  • Study of Anabolic Steriods in Geriatric PatientsThe Antiseptic, 1987, Vol:84, No.4, 228 -230
  • Geriatrics – A New Discipline in IndiaIndian Journal of community Guidance Service. Vol.4 No.1, January 1987. 63 – 70.
  • Sexuality in old ageCurrent Medical Practice, May, 1987. Vol.31, No.5, 117 -123.
  • Nutritional Status of the elderlyThe Indian Practitioner, June, 1987, Vol: XL No.6, 401 – 408.
  • Infections in old AgeThe souvenir of 5th Annual conference on general practice, Tuticorin, July 1987.
  • A case of Mitral Valve Prolapse in the Elderly – the Indian Practitioner, April 1988, Vol. XLIII, No.4, 275-280.
  • Solitary Cyst of Kidney in a Geriatric Patient presenting with Haematuria – Journal of Association of Physicians of Indian, June 1988, Vol.36, No.6, 387-388.
  • Falls in the Elderly”The Antiseptic, December 1988, Vol. 85, No. 12, 698 – 702.
  • Electro Cardiographi abnormalities in normal, South Indian Elderly – The Antiseptic, November 1989, Vol.86, No.11, 602 – 605.
  • A study on Organic Diseases Affecting Congnitive Functions in Old Age – The Indian Journal of Gerontology, 1992, Vol.6, No.1 & 2, 15-19.
  • Studies on the Status of Lipid Peroxidation and the Antioxidant system during Ageing – Journal of Medical Science Research 1992, 20, 385 – 387.
  • Capillary Fragility in the South Indian Elderly – the Antiseptic, January 1993, Vol.90, No.1, 32-33
  • Assessment of Nutient intake and Associate Factors in an Indian Elderly Population – Age and Ageing, March 1993, Vol.22, No 2, 222-226.
  • Hypertension in the Elderly – The Antiseptic, May 1993, Vol.90, No.9, 22-226.
  • Acceptability of a cereal-pulse Gruel as an oral feed supplement in elderly Hospitalized patients – Indian Journal of Gerontology, 1993, Vol.7, No.3 & 4, 70-74.
  • Effectiveness of Collagenase Ointment in Treatment of Pressure Uicers – Indian Practitioner, Nov. 1994, Vol. XLVII, No.11, 923 -927.
  • High Prevalence of Nutritional Disorders and Nutrient Deficits in the Elderly in a rural Community in Tamil Nadu, India – Journal of the Hong Kong Geriatric Society, May 1995, Vol. 6, No.1 40 -43.
  • Effect of R Compound in degenerative arthritis in Geriatric Patients The antiseptic, August 1995, Vol.92, No. 8, 306 – 307.
  • Ischaemic Heart Diseases in Rural Elderly – Incidence and its correlation to nutrition and Lipid Profile” – The Antiseptic Oct. 1995, Vol.92, No.10, 401-404.